We have read about the transition from selling products to selling brands in multiple sources. Manufacturers and companies originally believed that the production of products was their main purpose and the path to profits. And as such, advertisements reflected those beliefs. But as generic and near identical products flooded the marketplace, companies began to see the value of brand power in sales. Today, companies believe that if they are able to transcend their actual products and build an emotional connection with their consumers, then they will prevail. This change in beliefs and purpose over the years has led to a change in advertisements and their goals and can be observed by comparing past and present commercials of GE.
These two commercials, from 1983 and 1989 respectively, exemplify the belief of selling products rather than brands. The first commercial, while showing a wide variety of people using the product, focuses mainly on the TV. The television remains constant through all of the different settings and the commercial discusses the advantages and features of the product. The second commercial is even more dehumanized than the first. While the first one at least has some people talking, the second one only has them walking around using the product with a bodiless voice narrating the commercial. It basically runs like an informercial: listing the features of the product and giving you a number to call at the end. The commercial works to glorify the product and the supposedly amazing benefits it will bring to your life. The dramatic music in the background (you might recognize it as the theme of 2001: A Space Odyssey) adds to the "importance" of the product that the commercial tries to sell. Also, the brand GE is only mentioned once at the beginning and once at the end in print.
Now take a look at these commercials. Quite different than the ones a few decades ago. The commercials nowadays don't necessarily "sell" a certain product, but the brand of GE. Through these commercials, GE sells itself as a company that brings people together and helps doctors treat those in need. Both of these commercials accomplish this by telling a story, putting a human face on the company, and throwing in a little lightheartedness to make you laugh. But both of the commercials also end with the GE logo and its slogan to make sure you remember the brand.
Advertising agencies constantly employ new tactics to build their brand image. GE has moved away from selling technology to selling itself as a warmhearted company that brings people together and keeps them healthy. To do this, they try to humanize that which is inherently dehumanized: technology. It is no doubt that as these commercials have evolved over the years, they have gained much more power. After watching the newer commercials, I feel much more endeared to GE than the ones from the '80's. And in the end that's the ultimate goal of branding: to associate itself with a positive image and strong emotions.
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